



マイケル ミルキ`



Master of Arts, Applied Linguistics and TESOL, University of Leicester

Student motivation and agency, activity design for language practice and learning

The Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) Director
English Teachers of Japan (ETJ)
Online Teachers Japan Moodle (OTJ Moodle)
TESOL International Association

I look forward to having you in my class. I want you to learn not only from me, but also from the people around you and the English you may encounter in your daily life. Keep your eyes, ears, and your mind open.
English is a wonderful tool that can help you to build your dreams.





?臼今祇500嵐繁 哂氏プロジェクト哂氏テキスト奬始寄僥哂Z縮圄冩梢センタ`並I,2023定03埖31晩の哂猟丕
?Vertex 哂ZL猟Levels 1-3. Sanseido Co., Editorial Committee Member

?Collaboration in Schools for Materials Preparation Using Google Docs KOTESOL Proceedings, 2023
?Is a framing scheme effective for improving logical flow and efficient time management for Japanese university students' opinion based expository writing? 奬始寄僥冩梢o勣 及5催(2023定10埖)
?Teaching Grade 5 Elementary School Children in Japan: A Critical Analysis of a 100-minute Special English Class Lesson Plan and Materials 奬始寄僥冩梢o勣 及3催(2022定10埖)
?Motivating English Second Language Learners to Succeed in Business Writing.Authors Andrew Ryan, Michael Mielke
?Yes-No Questions, Negative Yes-No Questions, and Tag Questions; Implications for Teaching Japanese Students of English. 2020定03埖奬始寄僥t栽49
?Pienemann's Teachability Hypothesis and Processability Theory and their Implications for Error Correction in Classroom-based Second Language Learning 2019定10埖奬始寄僥t栽48
?メリンダ?ウォン仝コミュニカティブ冱Z縮圄への冱Z僥議泣々2019定3埖 奬始寄僥t栽冩梢侭11
?僥伏のv嚥と秤鵑隆_Jを個鋲するためのアクティブディクテ`ション 2018定10埖 奬始寄僥t栽46

?Improving Efficiency and Logical Flow in Expository Writing, 2023 JALT International Conference, 2023定11埖
?How to make a budget, accessing the JALT Development Fund, and securing funding, 2023 JALT International Conference, 2023定11埖
?Writing Course for 1st year to 3rd Year Students, Faculty Development Meeting, 2023定9埖14晩
?Collaboration in Schools for Materials Preparation Using Google Docs KOTESOL 2023定4埖
?What's new? A Simple On-line Writing Exercise 2023 JALT Hokkaido International Conference 2023定2埖
?Is a framing scheme effective for improving logical flow and efficient time management for Japanese university students¨ opinion-based expository writing? 2023 JALT Hokkaido International Conference 2023定2埖
?How to make a budget, accessing the JALT Development Fund, and securing funding 2022 JALT International Conference 2022定11埖
?2020定2埖 -JALT Hokkaido International Conference Presentation - Creativity with Cards
?2019 定 03 埖 - Special Presentations for Teaching Children for Oxford University Press in Nagoya and Sapporo - Cards: How to make your own sets quickly for any textbook and how to use them efficiently and effectively with your students
?2019定1埖 -JALT Hokkaido International Conference - Presentation - Active Dictation
?2012 定 03 埖Special Presentations for Teaching Children for Oxford University Press in Asahikawa and Hakodate - Using Battleship Gameboards for Question Practice
?2009 定 03 埖Returnee Children Panel Discussion Coordinator
?2009定10埖 - JALT Hokkaido Conference - Using Google Docs Suite of On-line Applications in the classroom
?2008定11埖 - JALT International Conference Presentation on Organizing a Conference
?2006 定 10 埖JALT Hokkaido Conference - Activities Using Alphabet Floor Mats for teaching children
?2003 定JALT Hokkaido Meeting - Teaching Returnee Children
?1996 定JALT Hokkaido Conference - Techniques for teaching vocabulary
?1995 定 11 埖KITA Nihon GEOS Teaching Conference - Activities for teaching pronunciation using Cuisenaire Rods

?2022定5埖 JALT PANSIG Hybrid Conference Video Support and Room Host
?2021定11埖 JALT International Online Conference Video Support and Room Host
?2020定11埖 JALT International Online Conference Video Support and Room Host
?2006定^ JALT Hokkaido Conference Coordinator


?2024 JALT Hokkaido International Conference Coordinator 2024定2埖
?2023 Terry Fox Charity Cancer Run in Sapporo International Liaison 2023定9埖
?JALT Board of Directors 2023定1埖-2023定12埖
?2023 JALT Hokkaido International Conference Coordinator 2023定2埖
?2022 Terry Fox Charity Cancer Run in Sapporo International Liaison 2022定9埖
?JALT Board of Directors 2022定1埖-2022定12埖
?2016定 10埖~ Terry Fox Run in Sapporo - Cancer Charity (Coordinator) テリ`?フォックス?ラン in 奬始 - がんチャリティ┘芥`ディネ`タ`)
?2016定 - F壓定2埖 The Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) National Officer 
?2010定 - F壓定4埖The JALT, Hokkaido Chapter, Treasurer
?2005定 - F壓定4埖English Teachers of Japan / 2005 and Hokkaido 2006 English Expo Program Coordinator
?1997定 - F壓定4埖The JALT, Hokkaido Chapter, Conference Coordinator

?2021定 10埖 - Special Presentation on the Sister City Exchange Program between Ishikari and Campbell River, BC, Canada
?2021定 10埖 - 墳癡偏とキャンベルリバ`の鍛脅偏住送並Iにvする蒙ek燕氏
and Veterans Training (2 Years). The manual covers how to teach children to adults and various levels.
?2000 - 2012 Japanese Eto for Language Learning
?2005定 - F 壓Special course for training guides in describing Hokkaido animals.
?2005定 - F 壓Haiku writing for pronunciation, syllable awareness and grammar manipulation.
?2001定 - F 壓Special course for numbers practice. Good for large groups.
?1998定 - F 壓Designed the training training program for Little Tree English School which consists of Introductory Training, Advanced Training (6 months)
?1991定 - F 壓Various activities and worksheets to supplement the assigned textbooks I have taught over the years. These include the Interchange Series, Four Corners, Top Notch, Summit 1 and 2, Firsthand 1&2.
